New Group - Site Under Construction
Anxiety Anonymous
Saturdays 12:30 pm
Zoom Meeting ID: 852 5894 2972
Password: Peace
A 12-step community for those wanting to resolve their anxiety, worry and fears . . .
The Tools
1. Identify the feeling. First, sometimes we go along never identifying exactly what is bothering us. Second, sometimes we think what we are feeling is an anxiety when it is something else. Third, sometimes we are feeling an anxiety about some other feeling such as sadness for example.
2. Write it down. The act of writing down our exact feeling helps us to manage our feelings.
3. Get support for the feelings. In early recovery, it is difficult to accept your anxiety without juding yourself. When we experience not being judged by others for our anxieties it becomes easier to not judge ourselves.
4. Healthy vs. Unhealthy Anxiety Is this worry a healthy worry, an unhealthy worry or a combination of both. In our experience, many times it is a combination of both.
5. Likelihood Tool What is the liklihood that your worry will come true.
6. Worst Case Scenario Tool If your worry came true, how bad would it actually be considering all of the worst things that can happen in a lifetime.
7. How much worry do I need tool. 0 - 100 assess how much worry you need in this moment to do what you need to prevent your fear from occurring.
8. If you need some worry, when do you need it? I might not need any worry now, but I do tomorrow morning, 2 weeks from now etc. Use your technology to schedule a reminder to worry when you need it.
9. Optimal performance tool. 0 - 100 what level of worry would help me temporarily perform optimally for this time limited event?
10. Coping Tool. 0 - 100 if my worry came true, how well would I be able to cope with it?
The Basics
1. Identify our Feelings
2. Identify our Thoughts
3. Identify our Body Sensations
4. Accept our Emotions
5. Not judge our Emotions
6. Speak your Emotions
7. Write down our Emotions.
8. Differentiate our anxiety from other emotions like sadness, anger, frustration, guilt, shame etc.
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The 12-Steps
About Us
We are a community based upon the 12-steps first made famous by Alcoholics Anonymous and have come to be used by many other groups such as Overeaters Anonymous, Gamblers Anonymous, Marijuana Anonymous, and man others.
We are brand new. Our site is under construction. The governance will be by its members. There is no cost. Information will be determined through the conscience of the group.
A Letter to Medical and Mental Health Professionals
1. The purpose of this group is to create a forum where we can vent, socialize, and make new connections.
2. Gain some common sense additional tools to practice self-help with anxiety.
3. This group is mainly designed for those seen as having generalized anxiety.
4. This group supports the use of psychotropic medications.
5. This group supports science, doctors, mental health professional, and experts.
6. It is our intention to support professional and the community whenever possible.
It is not for:
We are concerned that attendance in this group by people with OCD could by detrimental. We ask that you provide guidance to your client about how to use the information in this group to protect your client.
2. Critiquing any form of therapy.
3. Persuading people that any form of therapy is better than any other.
4. Indoctrinate people into any Christian, or spiritual cure or treatment.